We distribute very powerful software solutions developed by the Fraunhofer ITWM Institute, Flexstructure (spin-off of Fraunhofer ITWM) and Noesis; in particular:
• From Fraunhofer ITWM:
o VMC: a tool to simulate a vehicle mission profile, to address its durability and fuel consumption. This is accomplished by considering the morphology of the territory, the driver and (of course) the vehicle;
o CDTire: a tire physical model to simulate multibody applications (off-line and real time), and for the phenomena in the frequency range up to 250-300Hz;
o REDAR: system to measure road surfaces
o RODOS: driving simulator mainly for off-road vehicle
• From Flexstructure:
o IPS Cable: real time software to simulate the deformation of wires, hoses and cable bundles of various material type and variety of cross-section profiles;
o IPS Virtual Paint: software for the simulation of the painting process
o IPS Sealing: software for the simulation of the Sealing process
o IPS Robotics: software for the simulation of robotic systems
• From Noesis:
o OPTIMUS: a very open, user-friendly Optimizaton tool (DoE, RSM,...)
o id8decide: powerful and efficient manager tool to handle large amounts of datas